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Celebrate Life Today With Me

wash d.c.I’m running late today. I always seem to be running late, and in a hurry, and there is never enough time.

I was grumpy when I woke up today.  That is a rarity for me as I am usually a pretty happy person, but this morning I was grumpy and I admit it.  Bev needs work on her teeth, and a couple other expenses cropped up, and I was pissing and moaning over the fact that we are always short of money.  Sound familiar to anyone?

Then I received news that a writing friend of mine on HubPages lost her husband last night to a massive heart attack.  Suddenly, my silliness seemed terribly ridiculous.

One minute we are here and the next minute we are gone, and all the things we wanted to do….all the things we wanted to say…..they will never happen.

I think when Bev gets home today after work I’m just going to spend time with her.  The money issues will work out; they always do.  I have become so adept at robbing Peter to pay Paul that it has become second nature for me, and who knows what could happen today to generate more income?  The point is that each and every minute is precious, and anyone who thinks they are guaranteed tomorrow is a fool.Train ride from Elbe to 018

I think the rest of the day I’m just going to cool my jets and take life as it comes.  I can’t solve all the problems.  I can’t change everything.  I am just a human being who at times struggles but most of the time celebrates life.

For the rest of the day I’m going to celebrate life.

About Billybuc

A simple man who has found happiness as a functioning dysfunctional.

14 responses »

  1. Bill, it makes you put life into perspective right. I have had moments like these and then something like that happens to make me realize that my life is truly good and could be so much worse. I am with you on celebrating life and all we do have!!

    • I know you are, Janine! It was a serious wake-up call for me this morning….just live life, Bill, and be damn thankful for everything that you have. 🙂 Thank you my dear.

  2. Welcome to the human race! We’ve all had moments like this and then we hear about others’ problems that leave us feeling guilty. But no matter how big or how small a problem is, when we’re going through it, it seems large! However, your message is even larger and it made me stop and look around. Today and everyday hereafter I celebrate life right along with you, Bill. Thank you!

  3. Yes…the human condition. It’s all too easy to focus on what’s not going right. I was so sorry to hear about Fpher’s husband. So tragic. Life is fleeting. So many people do not follow their dreams before their time is up. You’re following your writer’s dream and it takes time to get the momentum going. 🙂

    • It does take time, Cyndi. It is not a job for the weak of heart. LOL This is the second husband that Paula has lost tragically. That woman has experienced enough for a lifetime.

  4. Thanks for this Bill, I needed to read it too. I think for us who are living our dream of freedom and writing for a living from home, we also get stressed out, tired of things, pissed off with the world around us. I’ve felt similar the last few days. But what you say here really hits home. Thanks for reminding me of that. Life is precious and so are our loved ones. I’m also going to cool my jets today and get back something that’s been missing for a while…faith. Hope today is good my friend. 🙂

  5. So sad Billy but oh so true also.My heart goes out to the lady who lost her husband. Things like this certainly do bring us down to earth with a bump and soon have us re assessing the half empty or half full question !!!
    Thanks my dear friend and here’s to a wonderful day for you and Bev.

    • Eddy, it’s just another reason why we shouldn’t waste a moment of this gift we have been given. I was in a pissy mood when I woke up, and then reality hit like a hammer, and I saw just how lucky I am. Thank you dear lady!

  6. Bill I’m with you all the way. I sent Paula an email in support of her great loss. Everything else pales by comparison. I wish you a good day and tonight give Bev an extra special hug and enjoy your evening with her. That is more important than anything else and remember that God is on our side. Hugs.

  7. Bill,
    I was and am in shock over Paula’s loss as I only discovered from you here and the comments left you. I lost my mum to a massive heart attack out of the blue and can only imagine the devastation Paula and family are experiencing. At the time of reading your article, We were moaning on about where we were going to get extra money from for finishing the paint and DIY to my apartment for rental. All we seem to do is worry, worry about bills and now this has stunned me into reality check time. Life is short, enjoy what you have with those you love, you never know what may happen. My thoughts and prayers go with Paula. Thank you Bill.

    • Suzie, is that you? I didn’t think you even knew that I have a blog. So nice to see you my Irish friend. As for Paula….well, we understand, don’t we. You with your mum, me with my father when I was twenty. It is so sudden as to leave you blank-faced and speechless. One moment you are having a conversation and the next they are gone. We were pissing and moaning yesterday, too, until Paula’s news came in. The pissing and moaning came to a halt very quickly. 🙂 Thank you for the visit my friend.


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